Sunday, October 4, 2009

1st trip to Eckerts!

We went to Eckerts on Saturday to make a scarecrow with grandpa, grandma, aunt Natalie and aunt Amanda. We enjoyed some sweet tea, funnel cake and some kettle corn. the weather and the music were great!!!
Khloe is 9 months old now. She is walking....has 8 teeth....kicking a soccer ball....climbing and getting into everything.
Time if flying!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1st Grizzle Game

My work had a KEB night at the Grizzle game, we had lawn seats and it was an awesome time!!! We even found Izzy!!

Khloe's 7 Months!!!

Khloe just turn 7 months. Time is flying!!! She has 2 teeth in already, with 4 more teeth 1/2 way in. She is crawling full speed now. Khloe can even pull herself up and walk holding on to things. Using the walker shown in the pictures below she can walk from one room to another room.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day

Scotty had his 1st father's day this past weekend. It was great, we had both of our families over and we made sure we got some camera time in both days.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st time swimming

Today we went swimming with our best friends, Kristi & Kyleigh!!!

Shes sitting up!!!!!

Khloe started sitting up a week after she turned 4 months, she of course was wobbling, thats why in the pictures there is pillows in back of her. She is now sitting up and is pretty steady, if she does fall back or front she can get herself up. She bends down or over to pick up a toy and gets back up to a sitting position. Sometimes though when you are trying to sit her down she keeps her legs sticking out and pushes off the ground so she can stand, she can't stand without us holding her obviously but she loves to be in the standing position so I also posted pictures of her in her sit and spin. She has a jumper and a walker that she loves too, no pictures of that, but hopefully soon. Camera problems.......


Here are some Easter pictures.

Fun in the Park!

I know its been forever since I last posted, but there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. But here are some pictures of Khloe when we took her to the park with our good friends, the Rios Family. She just turned 4 months in these pictures. Their son's name is Claude and he is one, they are 7 months apart.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Khloe's One Month

Khloe Sue turned 1 month today! She has been changing everyday. She is smiling more and more and laughing in her sleep. She loves story time, lullabies and bath time. Most nights she sleeps through the night, but we do have a few nights where she just wants to be held all the time. She goes to the doctor next week so we will see how much she weighs! By just holding her you can tell she is gaining some weight.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Professional Pictures

We took Khloe to get pictures done. I think they turned out adorable!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

More pics!!!

Khloe is already getting bigger and she just turned 2 weeks. I can't believe how many things have changed in her. She gets more and more alert everday!! She loves baths and is doing very well. She was 9 pounds, 1.5 ounces.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Our bundle of joy has finally arrived!!!

Well Khloe decided to finally come! Khloe Sue Manno arrived on Sunday, December 28th at 5:16 p.m. She was 8 pounds, 9 ounces and 21 inches long!