Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st time swimming

Today we went swimming with our best friends, Kristi & Kyleigh!!!

Shes sitting up!!!!!

Khloe started sitting up a week after she turned 4 months, she of course was wobbling, thats why in the pictures there is pillows in back of her. She is now sitting up and is pretty steady, if she does fall back or front she can get herself up. She bends down or over to pick up a toy and gets back up to a sitting position. Sometimes though when you are trying to sit her down she keeps her legs sticking out and pushes off the ground so she can stand, she can't stand without us holding her obviously but she loves to be in the standing position so I also posted pictures of her in her sit and spin. She has a jumper and a walker that she loves too, no pictures of that, but hopefully soon. Camera problems.......


Here are some Easter pictures.

Fun in the Park!

I know its been forever since I last posted, but there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. But here are some pictures of Khloe when we took her to the park with our good friends, the Rios Family. She just turned 4 months in these pictures. Their son's name is Claude and he is one, they are 7 months apart.